GC - Gas Chromatography

Condition: Refurbished

Price: Request Quote/ Offer

Agilent 7890A

GC – Gas Chromatography


At PPB Analytical Incorporated, we offer researchers to have the chance to use the laboratory equipment in our lab at an affordable price. Book a GC - Gas Chromatography capability with the Agilent 7890A by calling us or sending an email.


Agilent’s new 7890A flagship GC gives everything PPB Analytical needs to take our lab to the next level of GC and GC/MS performance, including advanced separation capabilities, powerful new productivity features and real-time self-monitoring instrument intelligence.

By using this instrument, here is a bit of what you can expect:

  • Advanced separation capabilities save time and enhance results
    • EPA 8270 -5 ppm EPA 8270 standard run spiked into 5000 ppm of a heavy oil to simulate interference from a hazardous waste
    • Pesticides in Milk Extract – Flow splitting enables multiple detectors and increased productivity
  • Extra dimensions to your chromatography with Agilent Capillary Flow Technology
    • Flow Splitting – Sending the sample to multiple detectors to provide the most information from a sample in a single run
    • Backflushing – An extremely valuable technique that can be implemented with any purged Agilent Capillary Flow device

Contact our experts at PPB Analytical and find out how we can help you in your researching and testing efforts using our GC instruments.